God has really been putting on my heart to write, speak, pray, and help other women. I honestly didn’t even know what that would look like or how to begin. There is so much I don’t know. Even if God gives you a message, how do you get it in front of the right people?
That is where Elaine Rau and the Lady Boss Blogger courses come in. I decided to take a course to help me better understand the platforms I am creating content for. Please hear me when I say that the Grow Christian Blog course that I took was incredible. SO. MUCH. INFORMATION. I have always wondered about these courses, thinking, “Are they really worth it? Are they a scam?” I don’t know about other courses, but the Lady Boss Blogger courses have so many resources, tips, templates, etc. that I will be implementing everything she taught for quite a while.
One of my favorite tips was how to use Pinterest and how to create eye-catching graphics that would lead people to your blog. It made so much sense. I had completely been doing it wrong. She walks you through how to utilize best practices when it comes to blogging, marketing, website, and social media creation. What I love is that you don’t have to be super technical to put everything she says into practice. There are areas of technology where I struggle a little bit, but Elaine Rau walks you step by step through each process in her Grown Christian Blog course. So you aren’t left feeling dumb or frustrated, but instead, you are excited about the progress you are making! And results don’t lie. Before taking the course I was really excited to have maybe 85 views of my content. Now I am getting over a thousand on a regular basis. And that is just after a few weeks and I haven’t even implemented everything she taught me yet! I am so excited to be able to reach people with what God has laid on my heart!
If you have been considering taking one of Lady Boss Bloggers Courses, I highly recommend it! She offers multiple courses that can help you expand your platform. Once I have implemented everything I learned in this course, I am going to take another one of her classes. And here is something cool: if you click this link to sign up for her course and use the promo code HeatherBowman100 , you will receive 20% off the course at check out! It is totally worth it! If you sign up, let me know how you like it!