Category: Blog

Make an Impact Monday: Tuesday’s Children

Happy Make an Impact Monday! As we just took time to pay respects to the families affected by the events that took place on September 11th, I thought it would be appropriate to highlight an organization that benefits families that have been affected by the events on September 11th. Tuesday’s Children is an incredible organization that not only helps families affected by September 11th, but also families that have been impacted by terrorism and mass violence all over the world.

Tuesday’s Children was created shortly after 9/11 to offer support to the families who were affected. They now also serve …

Five ways to thrive instead of just survive

5 Ways to Start Thriving Instead of Just Surviving!

I know some amazing women. They are godly, wise, talented, have a beautiful heart. The only thing is, they are extra hard on themselves. They beat themselves up if they can’t be perfect at everything and they feel like they are failing at life. It breaks my heart to see such incredible women feeling this way.  Although, I think we all have a tendency to do the same thing at some point.  We feel like there is no room for error. That if we don’t do things perfectly then we will mess up our kids, our marriages, our jobs, …

Human Trafficking Awareness

Make an Impact Monday: A21

Happy Make an Impact Monday! Today’s highlighted organization is A21. This nonprofit is fighting every single day to rescue people from human trafficking. 

Sometimes it can seem that there is no hope in the fight against human trafficking, but that is not true! A21 is making progress in its efforts to end slavery all over the world forever. This organization raises awareness about human trafficking, rescues those in captivity, and helps with rehabilitation after a rescue. Because of A21, mothers and fathers will see their children again. Families will be reunited. What used to seem hopeless and impossible is no

Heather Bowman