Tag: boundaries

It Ran in my Family Until it Ran into Me

“It ran in my family until it ran into me.” I heard this the other night and it resonated so deeply with me. This perfectly describes the place where I have been for two years. Two years of hard, chain-breaking work. Not me in my own efforts, but God transforming my heart and working through me.
You see, I wasn’t supposed to amount to anything. From the moment I was conceived, I was set up for a painful, dysfunctional life. My biological father, whom I have never met, was a criminal who went around impregnating women and then leaving them. …

The Power of Words on Your Friendships

God has been putting the power of words on my heart lately. We have already talked about the power of words in our marriage and the power of words with our children. Today we are talking about the power of words in our friendships. I am sure we can all share stories of where we encouraged others and also times when our mouths seemed to be falling downstairs taking out friendships left and right. I know I struggled with friendships a lot over the years.
During my elementary to high school days, I changed school 9 times. 9 times in …

Friendship Boundaries: Level Setting

My friends will tell you that I am the most welcoming person they know. I don’t say that in arrogance, but in complete awareness of myself. You see, there is such a thing as being too welcoming, being too friendly. My “welcoming” personality has gotten me in a lot of trouble. A LOT. I think the worst situation was when I was having a fall festival at my house and I invited some strangers… er acquaintances to my party. They seemed really nice THE ONE OTHER TIME I MET THEM…. Hindsight is so 20/20. Well……they turned out to …

Heather Bowman